In this clip from the latest episode of the Thinking Transportation podcast from Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI), research fellow Tim Lomax muses on how exciting it can be to try out new ideas in traffic management and be able to rapidly get feedback on their effectiveness. To hear more about the many lessons and experiences of his 46-year career don’t miss the full episode and more like it either at the podcast’s homepage or on your favorite streaming service.
Guest info: After 46 years with TTI, Research Fellow Tim Lomax recently retired from the Institute. Over his career, Tim developed, applied and evolved a methodology to assess areawide and corridor traffic congestion levels and congestion costs. With his fellow TTI researchers, he created the standard-setting national Urban Mobility Report, which examines trends in US urban area mobility, documents the effects of transportation investments, and represents those findings to a wide range of audiences, including transportation professionals, public policy decision-makers, the media and the public. More recently, he pioneered mobility solutions for large-scale special events, notably easing football gameday traffic at Texas A&M University.