ERTICO-ITS Europe has just published its official digital preview for the ITS European Congress, which will take place in Toulouse, France, at the end of this month (May 30 – June 1).
The theme for the congress is ‘Smart and sustainable mobility for all’ which will help attendees to focus on that challenges that today’s society faces, such as climate change, declining air quality, and over-population pressures in cities.
“I believe the path to finding the solutions we seek lies in making sure we connect the dots: we need to work across the board, ensuring strong linkages and partnerships between all stakeholders in intelligent transport systems—to deliver the smart and sustainable mobility solutions that we require,” says ERTICO CEO Joost Vantomme. “By offering a space for stakeholders to meet, present and discuss, we can find ways to bridge the gaps in what we need. The ITS Congress is the environment to make this progress happen.”
“I am really looking forward to meeting many ERTICO Partners participating in the exhibition and the live demonstrations, as well as meeting ITS Congress Sponsors face-to-face.”
For more from Vantomme on the congress and his plans for the future of ERTICO don’t miss the exclusive interview in the new edition of Traffic Technology International magazine.
New week, ERTICO will also host the fifth and final webinar on the Congress topic ‘From Largescale Trials to Deployment’. Thursday 19 May, from 14:00 – 15:15 (CET). Registration is now open.