Together for Safer Roads (TSR), an NGO dedicated to advancing road safety through cross-sector collaboration and technological innovation, has announced the addition of Volo-X as its newest member, with its founder and chairman, Paul Boardman, to its board of directors.
Volo X offers an integrated suite of smart hardware and smart software technology including flexible electric ‘quad’ micromobility, innovative curb management technology, containerization, cross docking, and smart charging solutions, that provide net-zero emissions last-mile delivery infrastructure. Its Quad of the Future Initiative is set to be announced with more detail later in 2025.
The intersection of last-mile delivery efficiency and road safety is an area of concern that TSR continues to address. Building off its successful Truck of the Future Initiative, TSR will be working with its members on exploring how to best expand the definition of a 21st century delivery truck, looking at the impact of utilizing the Volo-Coaster’s Electric Transport (Quad) in the context of supporting new types of safe, flexible and ultimately scalable last-mile delivery modalities in urban environments.

“We are thrilled to welcome Volo-X to our coalition of fleet industry leaders and innovators, and to also welcome Paul Boardman, to Together for Safer Roads’ board of directors.” said Peter Goldwasser, TSR’s executive director. “Under Paul’s leadership, Volo-X is delivering solutions to resolve key logistical challenges in urban centers that are focused on safety, environmental sustainability and affordability.”
You can hear Peter Goldwasser talking in more detail about the work of TSR in a forthcoming edition of the Transportation Podcast from TTi.
“It‘s exciting to have the opportunity to collaborate with the Together for Safer Roads community, as a member organization and on TSR’s board, to ensure more efficient, safer solutions for fleet operators and the communities they serve,” says Boardman. “As a global boutique technology company, we serve as a ‘bridge to the future’ for sustainable logistics, a perfect complement to TSR’s work on the future of fleet safety.
“Many of the delivery techniques used today in E-commerce’s last mile are largely the same as they were 100 years ago. Our work with TSR on Quad of the Future has tremendous potential to enhance the safety and sustainability of our cities, enable the success of companies large and small that drive our economy forward, and advance urban delivery options at scale.”
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