UK company CA Traffic has added a remote performance checking facility to its new Evo X ALPR (automatic license plate recognition) camera, enabling users to confirm the system’s accuracy against national standards.
The new Evo X camera system builds on the performance success of the company’s Evo8 camera. In a recent test at a three-lane location, the Evo X provided detection rates of 98.85% and a correct read rate of 98.84% across all three lanes. The performance statistics for this high-speed test site on the M40 motorway west from London were compiled using the Evo X’s on-board Automated National ALPR Standard for Policing (AutoNASP) facility. The AutoNASP application allows clients to schedule a test on an Evo X camera, configurable according to the number of vehicles passing the site, which is typically 250 for NASP, or by length of time. Once complete, the survey file, which consists of a video clip for the period with associated plate reads and plate patch images, is available for either immediate or scheduled download. Retrieved survey files can then be played.
As the files are played, the ALPR reads are displayed when that time is reached. The user then manually checks the plate has been read correctly, adds any missed vehicles, or corrects a read should it be incorrect. A reason for the missed plate or misread vehicle can be allocated, which will adjust the statistical outcome of the test depending on whether the reason is attributable to the camera or not. Once the review process is complete, the final statistics for plate detection and read rate with a pass/fail notice is provided. Survey files can then be logged and saved as required, enabling a full system test without the requirement to visit the camera site.
CA Traffic’s new Evo X camera incorporates the latest image processing and communications technology in a highly modular design, which allows functionality to be tailored to individual end user requirements at the optimum price/performance point. The Evo X aims to set a new standard in ALPR camera performance and features:
Full HD ALPR and day/night color overview sensors; On-board ALPR captures three lanes from a single camera; Multiple simultaneous plate reads in each lane; Ground breaking night-vision overview technology; IP video streaming from both sensors; Motorized zoom lenses for ALPR and overview; PTZ (pan-tilt-zoom) control for CCTV operation, with auto-return to ALPR mode.
The Evo X has been developed to fulfill UK Police NASP requirements and is suitable for use in a wide range of security applications or car parking/access control, with surveillance effectiveness enhanced by the built-in CCTV capability. Fully UTMC compliant, Evo X can be used by local authorities and highways agencies for journey time information, traffic flow monitoring and origin/destination analysis. Evo X can be integrated with CA Traffic’s range of count/classifier systems, adding ANPR to weigh-in-motion, speed and vehicle classification applications. The Evo X also includes video-clip recording technology for bus-lane and box-junction enforcement applications, and video tolling installations.