Leading transportation organizations have welcomed President Donald Trump’s promise to deliver a US$1tn infrastructure program that was made during his first address to Congress.
President Trump delivered his first speech to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday (February 28), where he outlined his administration’s priorities, including repairing and rebuilding the USA’s transportation infrastructure. Trump said of the initiative, “Crumbling infrastructure will be replaced with new roads, bridges, tunnels, airports and railways gleaming across our beautiful land. To launch our national rebuilding, I will be asking the Congress to approve legislation that produces a US$1tn investment in the infrastructure of the United States, financed through both public and private capital, creating millions of new jobs.”
Following the joint address, ITS America’s president and CEO, Regina Hopper (left), stated, “ITS America members thank President Donald Trump and his administration for recognizing the urgent need to rebuild America’s crumbling infrastructure. With our diverse membership that includes private sector leaders, state and city DOT officials, as well as leading research and academic institutions, ITS America looks forward to working with the White House, Congress, and others, to find intelligent technological solutions to repair and rebuild our extensive transportation system. Transportation drives our economy and makes America competitive around the world. It connects communities, increases job opportunities, and it is essential to addressing equity, poverty, unemployment, and access to education and health care. Safer highways and roads are urgently needed. In 2016, more than 40,000 people died in accidents on our nation’s highways and roads. Intelligent transportation solutions will go a long way to saving lives and preventing injuries.”
Patrick D Jones (right), executive director and CEO of the International Bridge, Tunnel and Turnpike Association (IBTTA), said, “The transportation community welcomes President Trump’s vision for rebuilding our country’s highways, bridges and tunnels. Both Congress and the Administration appear to have found common ground on the need to make additional transportation investments. As we begin the hard work to achieve the vision of new airports, first-class highways and magnificent bridges, we must also work hard to have an open and robust conversation about how to pay for this vital infrastructure. We need to convince the American people that we must invest a little more to get the kind of infrastructure we need. We stand ready to work with Congress and the administration to rebuild our infrastructure, strengthen our economy, and improve the lives of all Americans.”
President and CEO of the American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA), Pete Ruane (left), commented, “When it comes to infrastructure, strategic focus should be the key. The biggest return on investment would be found by modernizing America’s Economic Expressway the Interstate System and its connections to the nation’s major ports, inland waterways, rail hubs, airports and pipelines. Right now it is woefully underperforming, costing every American citizen and business, time and money. Investing in America’s Economic Expressway would create tens of thousands of jobs in every state, increase our competitiveness, and make long-term improvements to our nation’s economy.”