Speaking at the ITS America Conference & Expo in Phoenix, Airzona, this week, Alex Colosivschi, founder and CEO of Currux Vision, muses on the huge investment in recent years in autonomous vehicles, which is put at around US$160 billion, and expresses excitement at what could be achieved if a similar level of funding was afforded to ITS… particularly as, with the advent of AI, ITS solutions are getting ever more sophisticated and impactful. Currex Vision’s AI road-user classification helps with all aspects of traffic management, with a big growth area being the detection of vulnerable road users, which has a dramatic impact on improving safety.
ITS AMERICA VIDEO: Could ITS be about to see the same level of investment as autonomous vehicles?

Tom Stone
Tom has edited Traffic Technology International (TTi) magazine and its Traffic Technology Today website since May 2014. During his time at the title, he has interviewed some of the top transportation chiefs at public agencies around the world as well as CEOs of leading multinationals and ground-breaking start-ups. Tom's earlier career saw him working on some the UK's leading consumer magazine titles. He has a law degree from the London School of Economics (LSE).