The council of the City of Tyler in Texas has unanimously voted in favor of purchasing an advanced traffic management system (ATMS) and associated equipment. A total of US$1,887,220 will allow for US$1,847,220 to purchase new equipment from Paradigm Traffic and US$40,000 in contingency funds should other expenses arise while the software and equipment are being installed. The ATMS includes software, traffic signal communications, traffic signal controllers and vehicle detection.
ATMS software comprises Centracs 2.0 and Centracs Mobility Software. Centracs 2.0 is a server-based system that will be controlled by city staff. Centracs Mobility is cloud-based ATMS software that city staff can access from any internet connection. The software provides database management of traffic signal timing, reporting and alert capabilities of the traffic signal system and signal performance measures. The cost of the system includes installation, training, five years of maintenance and support from Paradigm Traffic.

For traffic signal communications, the city plans to purchase 131 cellular communication devices. 127 of the devices will be installed throughout the community and four additional devices will remain on hand if needed. Installing 127 devices covers all but 23 intersections. Fourteen intersections are being included in Highway Safety Improvement Projects and nine downtown intersections are being postponed due to future projects that may affect traffic flow in Downtown Tyler.
The Applied Information cellular communication units are 4G-LTE communication devices that enable communication to the city’s traffic signal cabinets and controllers. The system allows for future expansion into City of Tyler vehicles and the ability for emergency response vehicles to control traffic signals when responding to emergencies. The cost includes 131 devices, installation, communication connectivity for five years and a five-year warranty.
The city will purchase and install 84 traffic signal controllers. Econolite’s Cobalt traffic signal controllers will replace older controllers that have reached their lifespan, take steps to standardize equipment throughout the city and ensure the intersections can communicate with the new software. Additional controllers will be added in future years as part of the Intelligent Transportation Systems Master Plan Study.
Plans also include replacing 17 vehicle detection systems with Econolite’s Vision Vehicle Detection System. The systems are used at intersections to notify traffic signal controllers that vehicles are present and need to be served. The cameras will work in conjunction with the cellular communication devices, and city staff will have the ability to remotely view operations at intersections.
The project is funded through the Half-Cent Sales Tax Fund and budgeted in the current Half-Cent Sales Tax 10-year program.
The ATMS, communication devices, signal controllers and detection systems are scheduled to be installed and operational by the end of February 2022.