TRL Software is to provide its UTC SCOOT 7 Traffic Management software to Manchester, UK, which will among other things enable the city to provide pedestrian priority at traffic signals.
The system will allow enhanced dissemination of traffic data and better provision for pedestrians, whilst at the same time starting to redress the balance between motorised and non-motorised roads use.
The system will be delivered as part of a program of works with Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM), one of the aims of which is to improve the customer experience for pedestrians
“Alongside our active travel component, something that makes our UTC unique is the Open Data Portal we supply as a standard with the product,” says Paul Zanelli, director for strategic ventures at TRL. “This exposes historic and live signal data to our customers in an easy to understand and useful way that helps them quickly visualise where things need to be improved, while supporting development of third-party apps like cycling apps that are interfaced with our UTC.
“Transport for Greater Manchester has used our easily operated UTC since 2019, and we are proud that we can play a small part in TfGM realising their industry leading transport strategy.”
Manchester City Council has been awarded £500,000 by DfT (Department for Transport) as part of the Traffic Signals Maintenance funding call, this funding will assist the deployment of TRL’s cloud hosted UTC SCOOT until 2024.
Images: AdobeStock