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In his latest blog, Robert Poole, director of transportation policy at the independent think-tank the Reason Foundation, explains why some US states are considering toll financing to modernize their aging interstate highways. 

This is an extract from the latest edition of the Surface Transportation Innovations Newsletter, which you can read in full and subscribe to at the end of this article.

In his latest blog, Robert Poole, director of transportation policy at the independent think tank the Reason Foundation, clarifies the misunderstandings that surround express tolls.

This is an extract from the latest edition of the Surface Transportation Newsletter, which you can read in full and subscribe to at the end of this article.

In his latest blog, Robert Poole, director of transportation policy at the independent think tank the Reason Foundation, discusses how issues surrounding planned express toll lane projects can be overcome.

This is an extract from the latest edition of the Surface Transportation Newsletter, which you can read in full and subscribe to at the end of this article.

In his latest blog, Robert Poole, director of transportation policy at the independent think tank the Reason Foundation, examines the potential pitfalls of per-mile road user charging. He focuses on the importance of public acceptance and issues a warning to those wishing to implement such charges: the link between paying users and service provided must be restored – road user charging should NOT be a tax. 

This is an extract from the latest edition of the Surface Transportation Newsletter, which you can read in full and subscribe to at the end of this article.